Caring Family Buys AED for FAFC

Another First Aid Course was completed and we decided we should have a Defibrillator available at the club.

The Global Fitness institute course reminded us of the importance of an AED .

An expensive item to buy considering you will probably never even use it but one that will afford everyone a level of comfort knowing it is available.

Before the fundraising even got off the ground a very caring family  stepped in and offered to buy it. The philanthropic family has asked to remain anonymous. They also upgraded the AED model from the one we had planned.

The benevolent family has not been involved in sponsoring the club in the past. They get nothing in return except the piece of mind that they have made a difference to the safety of the Glenroy community.

For those that don’t know what an AED is, it is a machine that automatically supplies measured electric shocks to a patient whose  heart has stopped working and is in a very serious condition.

It is a game changer when trying to save somebody that has suffered a Heart Attack.

We are so grateful for the donation to the club and the great families we have around us supporting the community.