Kickboxing is a rapidly growing sport and is recognised as an excellent fitness regime. Kickboxing is not a traditional martial art, but is an effective freestyle fighting form.

Modern Kickboxing is now a very popular spectator sport and students can develop into fighters if they wish, Kickboxing has also proved to be very effective for self defence and is excellent as a fitness workout.

At FAFC safety is a priority. Equipment like punching bags, focus pads and skipping ropes are provided and are used to develop punching and kicking technique and increase cardio vascular fitness.

FAFC also features a boxing ring for sparring and hanging bags.


You will have fun and get fit, while making friends at FAFC. You will learn punching and kicking combinations, fitness routines and real fight skills.

You will wear fight shorts and club singlets , you will have opportunities to develop into a fighter if you wish and you will become more confident. Seperate Beginner classes that exclude sparring (practice fighting)mean anyone of any level of competency is welcome.
